Praxairs experimentation with Ozone for cooling tower water disinfection
In power plants and the chemical and petrochemical industries, cooling towers determine final heat transfer rates on associated equipment. During operation, cooling towers are generally exposed to the ambient conditions from atmospheric microflora as well as impurities and sunlight. This process is prone to microbiological activity leading to adverse effects like heat exchanger fouling, loss of cooling efficiency, microbial influenced corrosion and severe localized metal loss due to acid build-up.
Conventional microbial control offers many solutions and the choice depends on water chemistry, types of organisms, compatibility with treatment chemicals, system design, permits and cost limitations.
Praxair’s ozone technology harnesses the powerful biocide action of ozone to decrease and nearly eliminate microbial growth. Praxair’s treatment reduces the need for chemical additives to be added to the cooling tower water. Ozone not only removes and prevents the growth of these organisms but also reduces the contaminant levels through direct oxidation. Contrary to conventional halogen-based biocides, ozone does not produce unwanted by-products such as halocarbons. The blowdown rates are also lowered due to lower water losses and lower chemical dosage.
Praxair has successfully installed an ozone system for cooling tower water disinfection at one of its air separation units. Results include a reduction in chemicals consumed, reduced microbial growth and less corrosion. Depending upon chemical usage, this process also lead to customer cost savings up to 35% and it is easy to operate.
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