• Homogenisers Emulsifiers

    Homogenisers & Emulsifiers

    These are designed for homogenization, emulsification, dispersion and mixing of fluids at high speed. The user has a choice of selecting from AC Drive or AC / DC Drive with stepless speed regulations for continuous variation of speed as per requirements.
    RQ - 127A / D suitable for homogenizing of tissues at high speed available. Chuck to hold shaft upto 10 mm dia. fitted with PTFE grinding pestle (50ml). Glass homogenizing cup with rod supplied as standard, optional available 5 ml, 15 ml, 25 ml & 100 ml.
    RQ - 127/ D, RQ -130 / D, RQ - 130B / D are with AC / DC motor, these units are with Saw cutter impeller housed in flange type cage. An optional digital speed indicator available for precise setting of speed. 
    RQ - 140 / DE is specially designed brush-less AC variable speed Emulsifier driven by frequency inverter to ensure reproducible speed with any load. Steady & constant speed is ideal for solutions that change viscosity during mixing. Emulsifier has built in digital RPM indicator for process validation and reproducibility.

    For More Details Contact :

    REMI Process Plant & Machinery Ltd.

    Remi House, Plot No.11, Cama Industrial Estate Walbhat Rd, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 63, India
    Works: 18½ & 27/2, Village Shelavali, Palghar -Manor Road,  Palghar (East), Dist : Palghar -401404
    Email:- rp_marketing@remigroup.com/remiprocess@remigroup.com
    Tel:- 022-40589888/40589809  
    Website: www.remigroup.com/rppml 

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